After a couple of years of constant knee pain, I started trials with an Adelaide University looking at ways to improve my mobility and reduce pain by learning, setting and reviewing goals, doing gentle exercise and embarking on a walking programme. My journey began in June 2021 and here I am 3 months later , much improved and sharing some of my favourite walks. Many have been done several times, others just once but hope to try again and a few I hope to attempt in the near future as my fitness levels improve. I firmly believe that OA need not end in surgery and that there are many things I can do to alleviate pain without taking medication, exercise will help not hinder progress and that this condition will not get progressively worse. I set my first goal - to walk to the Punchbowl lookout at Onkaparinga Gorge. This gently sloping walk on firm gravel takes just under an hour with photo stops and is approximately 2km long. I completed it on 22nd AUGUST! I was certainly o...
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