When the sun comes out, so do I

When the sun comes out so do I. This year winter has made me hibernate for days on end, but a rare day of blue skies and sunshine can tempt me out.  Whether it's a wander round Woorabinda Bushland Reserves in Stirling or a trip to see the whales in Encounter Bay, nature in all her glory is beginning to shake me out of the doldrums.

When the skies are grey and I can summon up some motivation to get out it's to nearby Brighton or a wander round Passadena Foodland!

It was wonderful to watch the whales whilst enjoying the sun on our backs last week. Sadly my phone didn't capture them showing off but got some great views through the binoculars 

I'm not a fan of Canola (rapeseed) when it's in flower.... I love the cheery colour but it gives me a headache and makes me sneeze

Wall art at the shopping centre in Stirling 

Those close ups of the whales were on FB but I don't know the photographer to give them credit. Hope they don't mind me sharing them

Water, sunshine, whales and stunning views of Encounter Bay from Middleton 


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