Carb overload and sugar high.

Tuesday finally arrived. Up at 5.00am, at hospital by 7.00am, RAT test, paperwork, form filling and admission done ready for surgery at 9.30, in recovery by 11.30 and back in my room by 1.00pm all done and dusted.

Ham and cheese sandwich and a cuppa plus 2 ginger cookies. Not my first choice but after 15 hours nil by mouth, I'd eat anything. More tea and biscuits for afternoon tea then early dinner (I didn't order it but beggars can't be choosers) chicken and vegetable stir fry with noodles. Not much chicken, interesting mix of vegetables but barely half a cup, tasty sauce and lots of noodles. The lime jelly and custard slid down well and I did manage 1.5 litres of water. Clive visited for an hour then back to my puzzle book, library book and TV 

By 8.00pm my blood sugars were double my normal and a slight cause for concern. Decided to walk round the block on the fourth floor before bed. Got lost and did 3 circuits,  should have counted my steps. Effective pain control and very little discomfort

Hardly slept a wink as noisy massage boots and bleeping oxygen kept me awake.  Obbs and blood sugar tests at 1.00am and 4.00am didn't help but pain meds were welcome. Slept beautifully between 4 and 7! Blood sugar finally back to normal and no more bleeping machines. Loved the adjustable bed and my shoulder cushion eased any pressure and discomfort when laying on my side.

Breakfast was good... scrambled egg, mushroom, tomato, wilted spinach and a tiny spoonful of hollandaise sauce plus half a slice of buttered sourdough with coffee and apple juice. Enjoyed a hot shower and got those wretched thigh high compression socks off... that was quite a workout in itself.

Visits from Surgeon (Chloe), anaesthetist, discharge nurse and breast care nurse then Clive collected me just after 9.30. I was well looked after and hopefully all will be well as we caught the bugger in time. Now we wait....10 days till results and find out what's next.

Back to normal food at home, shakes with added fruit, vegetables with Ajvar and a large mug of Earl Grey


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