Fast Start ... the journey begins

Well, I decided to bite the bullet and try TWD 'Fast Start'. I've been on various meal plans for over 3 years but, after a good initial loss, Covid and life in general got in the way and there's been very little progress since.

My reasons for trying this?

1. I need a fresh start and new focus 
2. I have upcoming surgery and need recovery time (my husband can't cook) so want to simplify things 
3 As a 'Group Expert' I'd like to be better informed

PREPARATION DAY and DAY ONE ... discovering the pitfalls

Set up was fun. Firstly, I managed to start immediately instead of just previewing, so my first day became week 2! Next I found I'd set level 2 (much as I'd like extra milk for coffee, I certainly don't need three shakes) Then I got an email asking for my weight and picture... really? Got there in the end though

Now for the shakes themselves. I've never tried replacement meals so was not sure what to expect. For breakfast I chose strawberry ..... the flavour was OK, rather sweet and had a bit of a powdery aftertaste.

Bear in mind I'm a FOODIE and love my food so the taste and small size was rather a disappointment. I'll definitely add and whizz up some of my fruit allowance to make it more like a smoothie rather than serve it separately. 

Had the chocolate one for lunch (tasted better than expected) with crudities for afternoon snack, soooo looking forward to real food tonight. Beef skewers with kaleslaw according to the recipe (not salad as pictured). I'm not a fan of pre-prepped bagged salads so will tweak the meal to keep units the same with the fresh vegetables I have.

I did grilled steak with fresh vegetables and a salsa Verde followed by melon. Had my 8 glasses of water but it was a hot day and I have a bit of a headache.

CONCLUSION. I'm sure many will love the simplicity and easy start to a new, healthier lifestyle and hopefully use the time saved to learn about what happens after the first three weeks. It's not for everyone but I just hope it works 'cos I'VE GOT 3 WEEKS OF THIS TORTURE!


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