Fleurieu round trip

Beautiful day and quiet roads so headed South to Normanville via Myponga and Carrickalinga Bay. 

The kiosk and Surf Club have been demolished and work has begun on the new building. Quick coffee at Yankalilla then back via Willunga,  quick wine taste and purchase at Samson Tall and home.

Clive got called out to mark bowls at the Country Carnival so having a leisurely afternoon.

One less shake today so tried a couple of Aldi's chickpea, spinach and caramelised onion rolls ... (they track well but I'll be over my meagre meat units today) with my 'free' home made tomato and basil soup. Yesterday's meatballs were tasty and looking forward to an old favourite tonight - pork larb but made with savoy cabbage instead of wombok.


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