More water please

I often struggle to get my 2 litres of water down each day but not in this heatwave. I'm having lots of salads, simple meals with vegetables and carefully weighed portions. It seems to be working.

Weight loss had slowed a little once I moved from Shakes to transition then 3 meals a day. I was disappointed and feared my old patterns were repeating themselves but no .... its still moving down at more than 100g a week.

Fast Start definately gave me the nudge I needed and has got me back on track, much more confident and accurate with my portion sizes. Now that my main stresses are behind me, I'm focussed and hopeful, long may it continue. The extreme heat has meant no #mydailywalks for a while but I plan to get back to them soon. In the meantime, I'm exploring senior chair yoga/pilates in an effort to get moving again. 

Day 1 done!

It finally looks like the mood has changed on the TWD support Facebook page. Still plenty of annoying basic questions because people are too lazy to read all they can before they begin. How I long to write 'JUST READ THE BLOODY INSTRUCTIONS FOR GOODNESS SAKE' but I don't want to get kicked off the site. 😄

There are certainly a lot more happy people trying out new recipes, discovering the joy of simple home prepared meals and posting great pictures of 'food porn' so hopefully the complaints will die down soon. I think the message of 'use the website' is starting to get through (at least with the ones that have joined this year) I live in hope.


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