Murder Mystery at Nunyara

What a fun time we all had at Nunyara over the weekend. A chance for our not to be missed annual retreat with Onkaparinga Harmony. Lots of singing, learning, PVIs, acting and even filming a promotion video.

Friday ... singing and a discussion about SAI or BHA with a secret ballot 

Saturday ... warmups, more singing, emoting and expression, rhythm and tuning. Group PVIs were less threatening and I loved learning my new cup technique. All these activities interspersed with frequent tasty meals and tea breaks.

Saturday Night was a hoot. We all dressed up and assumed characters for a Murder Mystery Evening in 1940s Casablanca. My sides ached with laughing so much.

Sunday meant film time, costume changes, interviews and recordings in the grounds. Managed mine on one take thankfully .... it may end up on the cutting room gloom but who knows? Looking forward to seeing the finished promo.

I stayed off site but really only missed breakfasts and a couple of camp-fire singing games (which I'd done before). We may have been a smaller group this year but we all grew in experience and friendship.


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