Gather Round

Well, it's been full on Footie here with all round five matches being played in Adelaide .... including Norwood and Mount Barker. 

The Swans had a larger crowd at the 'neutral' Oval than they do for their home matches at the SCG! Mount Barker welcomed the Brisbane Lions for the first major AFL game in the Adelaide Hills and did us proud.

Crows opening the proceedings with a fabulous unexpected win (and the Port scraped home last night). Clive's off to a double header at the Oval today so it's going to be a long day as our Bunnings BBQ was cancelled due to double booking. Time to catch up on some other TV and also do some singing practice.

It's been a great event which has really put SA on the map. The City was packed out and there's such a buzz about the place and a real holiday atmosphere. We've had many visitors from interstate and it feels like 'finals' day with a brilliant carnival vibe. Apart from heavy rain on Saturday night (a remnant of recent cyclones) the weather gods have smiled on us. 

Our Premier did a good job getting this up and running and I hope we can 'Bring it on' again next year (but I've had enough for now thanks 😄)


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