The Allsorted Baris

We came away from our retreat weekend, exhausted but inspired. We filled the white board with 'post it' notes saying how we saw the future of the chorus and how we can help or become more involved. Some of us felt inspired to do more quartet work and so the Allsorted Baris was born.

We have all sung Baritone in Allsorts, although Katie has moved on to Leads now, hence the name. We've fixed our first practice for 4th July, chosen a song (lean on me) and I've sent out the music and learning tracks. I'm excited to see what we can do.

So ... we hope to have

Katie - lead,       Sheryl - baritone     Helen - tenor  Jane- Bass. 

By lowering the tone from G to F,  Helen should be able to reach the high notes and it's not too low for me.


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