Good riddance 2022

Farewell 2022 and good riddance After a rotten 2021 I thought 2022 couldn't get any worse... but it did. Poor health at times, less mobility, awful weather, the wettest winter and Spring on record and SAD to deal with for the whole winter and more. December was the pits... diagnosed with breast cancer and a nasty bout of Covid for Christmas. Hard to find the positives but there were some (as previous posts will show) Once surgery is done at the end of January I'll hopefully be able to look forward to better things to come, but until then I'm 'in limbo' waiting anxiously. Please, please, please 2023 give me something to look forward to and some good luck would be nice a s we ll. Even a few stress free days in a row and some good nights sleep would be a start. I don't do New years resolutions but .....