Going well

Day 6 and my (naked) weight is hovering just below 94 for the first time in months. Quite a liquid day with mixed fruit in my strawberry shake for breakfast and extra coffee and banana in the lunchtime coffee one. Enjoyed my mixed vegetable and pumpkin soup instead of crudités for my veggie units

Our evening meal was salmon with a huge salad rather than white fish, a few more kjs but slightly under my meat units.  Rather than plain water I made up a jug of diet rite juice (apple, strawberry and guava) and added lemon, cucumber and mint ...  not quite a Pimms but one can dream!

Watched TDU again.... great ariel shots of all my local haunts around McLaren Vale.  Now savouring a big mug of my favourite tea using milk I saved from my shakes while watching the 🎾 and 🏏 

Clive's friend from bowls won a prize for best dressed house at today's TDU


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