Fast Start, The End

Tomorrow is my last day on Fast Start and I've had mixed results. I've lost a slightly disappointing 3kg.  (Might have been 4 if I hadn't had 3 days 'off plan' on holiday. That little gain even though I was careful, took 3 weeks to go)

The good thing is the scales have moved down a notch (permanently I hope) and I'm back weighing and tracking regularly. Just about to say goodbye to the 93s.... hopefully for good.

After suspending my membership for 3 months I'll be back to the gym after Easter and, when the weather's fine I hope to be more regular with #mydailywalk

So, was Fast Start worth it for such a small return? A resounding YES. It may not be as much as I'd hoped for but it's got my head in the right place, cemented good habits and I have a new determination to succeed

I know Units are important on TWD but I seem to be one of those rare people who find that calories actually DO matter. I lost steadily on 5000kjs (1200 calories) but struggle on even level one ..... 6000kjs (1400). Several things are against me - age, medication, poor sleep, high cortisol levels and current inactivity after recent surgery.

I've found what works for me is cutting the carbs a little while making sure the meat and healthy fat/oils are on track. So it's 1 less bread and one less fruit unit for me as it helps my type 2 diabetes too.

Going by my 'average', and being strict with my weighing and tracking, I should reach 92.7 on my next official weigh day. I'll adjust the amount on Wednesday if the scales change


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