Units v calories

TWD is based on food units and discourages calorie counting for good reason..... Not all calories are equal. TWD has a large amount of food in bulk but much of it contains water and is therefore lower in calories. 

Choosing just any low calorie food may mean missing out on essential nutrients and food groups (not all carbs are bad).  I've eaten a well balanced diet for over 20 years, the last 4 on TWB and this has helped lower my cholesterol, BP and HbA1c so it appears that TWD only differs in the quantity of food I'm eating.

I'm still in the obese range with at least another 15kgs to lose but age, stress, medication and inactivity make this really difficult at times. Even level one appears too much for me at the moment. A few years ago I tried Light n Easy for a few months. I lost a couple of kilos in the early weeks but finished heavier than I started. The portions were small and snacks carb heavy! 

TWD is certainly satisfying and I'm rarely hungry but I really believe that I need to be on a slightly lower level. Sadly I'm already on the lowest one so that's not an option. To get back on track I plan to keep an eye on those calories and keep them below the recommended 1500, make nutrient dense choices and try to increase my walking and water drinking levels as the weather improves. Let's see what August brings

Time for more kindness (to myself) and less kilojules. Wellbeing before weightloss!


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