Time for Art again

Finally found an art class to join... at Coromandel Community Centre. I never imagined I'd be starting by learning to draw portraits but after a successful week drawing eyes, ears and mouths I had a go at trying to capture the likeness of two great British acting Dames, Maggie and Judi

Next, I moved on to watercolours (my favourite medium) and attempted a Maasai Warrior

Decided to quit while I was ahead and moved on to water colour pencils. I drew a still life then added some water to enhance the colours

Next challenge....fur. Tried watercolour pencils again as I had drawn my dog on textured paper. Quite pleased with my first attempt so far but plan to also try it again using pastel pencils (I treated myself today) on coloured paper. More animals planned for my Holiday homework now I've caught the art/painting bug again..... Watch this space



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