
Not my day. Spent 5 hours tidying the craft room then fell off the swivel chair when bending down to a low desk drawer.  Wheels on the tiled floor went one way and me the other. Landed on some boxes and bit bruised so off to A & E for an X-ray!

Went home with a splint after lots of prodding and finger wiggling. They'll let me know if I need a cast after a full review of the Xrays tomorrow. Feeling hopeful as I have some mobility and not too much pain. Ice and painkillers helped

Update: it's broken but may not need plaster. Seeing someone later in the week. No driving, no cooking or food prep, no painting .... basically my life's on hold for a while. The chauffeur is busy, out most days and can't cook either so that's a bit of a problem. Looks like it will be a simple Christmas this year

Even showering and getting dressed is a challenge. Lying on my bed, wrapped in a towel drip drying. Typing with my left hand takes a while too.


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