I'm still here

Somehow, medical procedures, other minor aches and pains accompanied by fatigue and visits to various 'oligists' have slowed me down. It's easy to make excuses when there's so much to do, especially when energy levels are low. Managed a few Christmas meals out and an afternoon with James Bond, but very few #coffeeoclocks and regular walks.... I'm missing these!

Too busy, too tired, too hot, raining again ....  I've used them all. Time to rediscover my mojo and get moving again. If 30-40 minutes seems a bit daunting, I'll start slowly with easy 20 minute ones and build up. I've done it before after flare-ups and can do it again

Did enjoy lunch at Patritti's, Cruise on the Murray and Festival Statesmen concert and Indian meal with the girls from OHC though (also S4L lunch, CWA lunch and PROBUS at the Vines)


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