Queen Elizabeth RIP

Thank you Your Majesty for a life well lived ...RIP

You had an amazing life of dedication and service carried out with grace and charm. You promised to spend your life serving your country and commonwealth and you certainty fulfilled that promise.

Just over 24 hours ago I wrote this....

She is devastated by the loss of her precious husband and lifelong friend, Philip, and I fear that now all the 70th Jubilee Celebrations are over, her broken heart may not mend. She is at peace in her beloved Balmoral with her memories. As a devout Christian she is unafraid of the future and perhaps looks forward to the day they will be reunited

I have been asked to provide a short recording of reflection and prayer for Premier Radio in London. Just over 25 years ago, Clive was at the studio with Rob Frost about to start 'Frost on Sunday' when the news of Princess Diana's death broke. Feeling the same sense of shock, loss and bewilderment today as the enormity of the occasion and its implications slowly sink in

Clive and I were shocked, but perhaps not totally surprised, to wake up this morning here in South Australia to news of the death of our beloved Queen.  We have many happy memories of seeing her at very close quarters when she visited the Epsom Derby in June every year. We used to walk from our home at Tattenham Corner to the railway station to watch her disembark the royal train where we also received a personal royal wave. She would then travel in an open top car, through the gates of Royal Drive (where my mother lived) and along the racecourse to the grandstand for a days racing.

She was an amazing women of who served her Citizens, Country and Commonwealth with a quiet dignity, dedication and devotion through times of great change. Our prayers are with King Charles, the Royal family and the people of the UK at this sad time and we give thanks for a life well lived.


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